Join Us
Please consider joining the Environmental Restoration Group to support our essential work in restoring balance in our local environment. Members can participate in ERG educational classes, attend the annual meeting, vote for and serve on the board and serve on working ERG committees. Members can receive expert advice on native plants for their property. We are a 501(c)3 organization, so your membership is tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. Select your household membership from a level below. Please send your check, name, mailing address, email, phone, and Beverly Shores address to:
Beverly Shores Environmental Restoration Group
P.O. Box 667
Beverly Shores, IN 46301
Wild Lupine Circle
$250. Your generous contribution will help us remove invasive plant species that threaten our beautiful but delicate ecosystem.
You, like the wild lupine, are a valued member of our community. The uncommon wild lupine is an important food source for the endangered Karner blue butterfly.
Little Bluestem Circle
$150. Your membership will help us protect our dunes and prairies, everywhere from the Great Marsh to the shores of Lake Michigan.
Little bluestem grass, with its flowers appearing in feathery tufts along the upper stem, is native to both wet and dry prairies throughout our area.
Household Membership
$75. Help support our educational activities, including walks, our website, our app, the Beglin Garden, our deer monitoring and control, and our work with native species