Environmental Restoration Award
The Environmental Restoration Award is for Beverly Shores property owners who have made inroads in invasive species removal on their properties and/or have encouraged the growth of native plants by seeding or planting native species. Although ERG is known for our town-wide restoration programs, such as Tree of Heaven and Burning Bush removal, we know that each owner’s stewardship of their property is essential to restoring and maintaining environmental balance in Beverly Shores. We think it is important to recognize those who make that effort and to share their stories so that other residents are inspired to follow suit.
Winners are chosen based on a brief summary of their restoration efforts and a site visit by members of the ERG board. We accept both self-nominations and nominations by friends or neighbors. Winners receive a $100 gift certificate from Prairie Moon Nursery and an award certificate and are recognized in an article in Sand Tracks and on the ERG web site.
Our Award Winners
2024 Award Co-winners: Nancy and Chris Cassidy. Read about their restoration project.
2024 Award Co-winners: Susan and George Dluhy. Read about their restoration project.
2023 Award Winners: Nancy Garrity and Mary Szpur. Read about their restoration project.
2022 Award Co-winners: Diana Stezalski and Eric Simpson. Read about their restoration project.
2022 Award Co-winners: Bill Gilmer and John Blackburn. Read about their restoration project.
2021 Award Co-winners: Marilyn Klecka and Bob Cassel and Susan and Paul Zucker. Read about their restoration projects.
2020 Award Winners: Andre and Maureen Daugavietis. Read about their restoration project.