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Workday with IDNP

  • Lake Front Drive between Merrivale and Shore 400 East Lake Front Drive Beverly Shores, IN, 46301 United States (map)

Burning Bush Removal on Lake Front Drive between Merrivale and Shore

Lake Front Drive between Merrivale and Shore

This work day, a cooperative effort with the Indiana Dunes National Park, will focus on removing burning bush along the lakefront. The Park will ask you to sign a “volunteer service agreement” on the day of the event. Long pants and closed-toe shoes/boots are required and we highly recommend long sleeved shirts, hats and sunscreen. Equipment, gloves and safety glasses will be provided. As on all workdays, due to limited parking space, we recommend that you carpool, walk, or bicycle, if possible, to the work site.


July 26

Field Class

October 23

Workday with IDNP