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Workday with IDNP

  • Lake Front Drive and Beach Avenue 601 E Lake Front Dr Beverly Shores, IN, 46301 United States (map)

Removal of invasives on Lake Front Drive

Location: Lake Front Drive between Merrivale and Beach

Please come out to our third cooperative workday between ERG and the Indiana Dunes National Park. Our focus will be on the north side of Lake Front Drive, between Merrivale and Beach. We will meet at Lake Front and Beach. Since we will be working on National Park property, volunteers will be asked to sign an IDNP “volunteer agreement” on the day of the event. Long pants and closed-toe shoes/boots are required, and we highly recommend long-sleeved shirts, hats, and sunscreen. While you can bring your own, all personal safety equipment, including required gloves and safety glasses, will be provided by the IDNP. As on all workdays, due to limited parking space, we recommend that you carpool, walk, or bicycle.


October 23

Workday with IDNP

April 26

Workday at Lituanica Park